Crossovers and Rewrites:
Jim Pervette
A song for No Man
Video, 3mins, 2004
The division of physical space and borders into limited areas of localised control brings up complex issues regarding ethnicity, movement and belonging. How do you locate yourself within a system of nation states when your heritage is nomadic? How can you locate yourself if you are stuck outside of your homeland? If you are isolated in a country that does not recognise your right to live there and your homeland is oppressed by a vicious military regime, how do you then forge a sense of place? A sense of dislocation pervades. There are many living in this 'grey area' of nowhere. Are they refugees? Are they simply living within the areas they have always lived but are outsiders because no longer fit into the system?
No-man's land is the section of land that separates one country from another. It belongs to nobody and is under no rule. It is a section of land that comes under no particular law and embodies the in between; the dislocated.
Filmed in no-mans land, A song for No Man looks at the structures of borders and nation states through the examination of one border-crossing in particular: at Mai Sai between Thailand and Myanmar.